Every once in awhile, throughout the annals of human history, the planet earth is graced with the presence of a special individual who excels on so many levels and in so many profoundly ass-kicking ways that it makes you wonder what the point of all the rest of us boring idiots is, other than to stand in awe of THE GREAT AND SPECIAL ones.
Mostly you only get to see the chosen few, like, on tv and stuff - you know like David Blaine or Paula Poundstone or that guy who played Mr. Belding on Saved by the Bell.
BUT, if you get really lucky you might get to meet one of these people in person . AND SOMETIMES, once in a very great while, you get to sing karaoke songs with one of them in Istanbul.
Lo! it is written.
Anyway, all of y'all following this blog are no doubt aware that Ann "mistress of ceremonies" Morgan is probably among the top 3 most kickassical people currently on the face of the planet. Though I am usually very dull and slow, this fact I think I knew right from THE BEGINNING, when I first met Ann in the summer of 2008 at the second field season of survey at the Saronic Harbors Archaeological Research Project. Before Ann's arrival in our village, the legend of her comedic prowess had already circulated widely. Though I was intimidated by the legend at first, Ann and I soon bonded over our mutual distrust and hatred for one another, and since then I have taken to visiting her all over the place even though I'm never invited. Our friendship to date has been 40% pure awesomeness, 30% painfully intense laughing sessions, and 30% forgotten altogether, due to drunkenness.
[forgotten, due to drunkenness]
Thus it came to pass that even though I currently suffer from severe addiction to the California-based pleasures of Nachos and Miller Lite, I decided to fly to Istanbul at the beginning of the month to see how the European Sport Capital of 2012 was handling its notorious new Texan transplant. Also, Efes is pretty good.
Since you have already got the gist of our week of shenanigans all up in 'da 'bul from your main mang Ann, I will dispense with a traditional narrative format and instead provide a list of reasons that this trip was better than all other vacations I've ever had. AND let the record show that Stanford University has sent me on some REALLY epically good vacations throughout the years - Star Wars sightseeing with my homeboys in Tunisia, ballerest December Crete-a-palooza awards two years running, $14,000 Turkey circumnavigation, etc. etc. etc. However, these all pale when compared to the wonders of Morganween. Behold!, the top 10 wonders -
1. Istanbul karaoke, beyond ALL possible expectations. Karaoke night was a hazy but very pleasant progression from the totally empty strip-club like atmosphere of the first stop, to the more rowdy stage-based scene where we seriously American Idol quality KILLED the Whole New World duet (edward said, eat your heart out…), to the other weird clubs we went to (after the brownout set in) where young Turkish hipsters sat around on divans and sang folk songs. I DON'T KNOW if they really appreciated our late late night rendition of Destiny's Child's Say My Name. Their loss!
[I would’a photoshopped our faces on this but I’m tooooo lazy.]
2. Thanks to just the latest of Ann's miracle workings, I somehow played an entire intramural soccer/football game without re-injuring my old torn ACL, which usually ends up looking like a giant ass squashy grapefruit whenever I attempt more than nursing-home approved maneuvers. And we kicked a guy in the nuts. Oi!
[the old grapefruit knee – NO MATCH for a miracle.]
3. PROBABLY the biggest Minute Maid can anyone has ever seen. Full stop.
[“Giants must have lived there!”]
4. Watermelon based art. 'Nuff said!
[Provocative. Rectangular. Juicy. – discuss.]
5. Chickens with pants!
[dumb chicken, why you got pants on?]
6. Kentucky Fried Chickens!
[How do you say double down in Turkish?]
7. A LOT of great stereotype-themed carnival rides @ shlocky insta-Ayvansaray Turko-Carnival. Surely gonna go into the Lonely Planet sometime soon.
[mariachi mustache time]
8. I watched Ann Morgan fight off a gypsy dog, Chuck Norris style. *Swoon*
9. Ann Morgan is like FLUENT in Turkish - there were so many translational feats of strength. Top three: she basically got my friend Foivos a mail-order bride, successfully made a joke to a street vendor about his gaint novelty sunglasses, and was able to tell us that the bottle of Grey Goose we were about to buy cost like $700 all without using ANY English whatsoever. Hostest. With. The. Mostest.
10. TOO MUCH other awesome stuff to mention. The main point is that you all better GET over there, hang out with Ann, and see the living legend in action for yourself. It's okay, I wasn't invited either!